Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Types: Rape:
Types: Rape: [Info] Cautela, Stéphanie G. »Du crime de «viol» au XVIe siècle, de la théorie à la practique.« Normes juridiques et practiques judiciaires du moyen age à l'époque contemporaine. Dijon 2006. [Info] Closson, Marianne. »Violée par le diable.« Verger No. 4 (2013). [Info] Garnier, Guillaume. »Incubes et succubes: Figures sexuées du viol onirique (XVIe –XVIIe siècle).« Verger No. 4 (2013). [Info] Seretti, Marina. »Psyché alanguie: Promesses de ravissement et menaces de viol dans le sommeil à la Renaissance.« Verger No. 4 (2013). [Site] A m e r i c a n H i s t o r y [Site] Peruvian History
[Site] U.S. History [Info] Wood, Stephanie. »Recognizing Rape in the Conquest of Latin America.« 85th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association. Corvallis 1992. [Site] A s i a n H i s t o r y [Site] Iranian History
[Site] E u r o p e a n H i s t o r y [Site] General [Info] Byars, Jana. »Toward an Early Modern Rape Script.« Sixteenth Century Society Conference. San Juan 2013. [Info] Eder, Franz X. Eros, Wollust, Sünde: Sexualität in Europa von der Antike bis in die Frühe Neuzeit. Frankfurt/Main 2018. [Info] Hryszko, Barbara. »Iconography of Sexual Violence in Ovid's Metamorphoses Published in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.« 66th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Philadelphia 2020. [Info] Kümper, Hiram. »The injured body in context: Outlines for a legal history of rape in pre-modern Europe (c. 1250–1750) in cultural perspective.« New Perspectives on Gender and Legal History: European Traditions and the Challenge of Global History. Frankfurt/Main 2009. [Info] Smith, Nigel S. »Slavery, Rape, and Migration in European Transnational Drama, 1580–1641.« 2021 MLA Annual Convention. Vancouver 2021. [Site] Belgian History [Info] Bourguignon, Marie-Amélie, et al. »Religion, Guilt and Shame: When Sin becomes a Crime (15th-16th centuries).« Crime, Violence and the Modern State II. St Petersburg 2009. [Site] English History
[Info] Dolan, Frances E. »Afterword.« Violence, Politics, and Gender in Early Modern England. Edited by Joseph P. Ward. New York 2008: 249-253. [Info] Lambert, Tonya. »Puritans' Perceptions of Sexual Aggression.« Sixteenth Century Studies Conference. San Antonio 2002. [Info] Pallotti, Donatella. »Maps of Woe Narratives of Rape in Early Modern England.« Journal of Early Modern Studies 2 (2013): 211-239. [Info] Ward, Joseph P., ed. Violence, Politics, and Gender in Early Modern England. New York 2008. [Info] Wingard, Timothy S. Representations of animality and sexuality in late medieval thought and culture. Ph.D. Thesis, University of York, 2020. [Site] French History
[Info] Brunelle, Gayle K. »The Negotiation of Rape in Early Modern France.« Sixteenth Century Studies Conference. San Antonio 2002. [Info] Burgess, Clare. »Reading Rape: Questions of Consent in Early Modern Lyon and Seville.« 'Do No Harm': Researching the Pasts, Present, and Futures of Sexual Violence. London 2023. [Site] German History
[Site] Italian History
[Info] Brizio, Elena. »Sexual Violence in the Sienese State before and after the Fall of the Republic.« 65th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Toronto 2019. [Info] Brizio, Elena. »Sexual Violence in the Sienese State before and after the Fall of the Republic.« Sex, Gender and Sexuality in Renaissance Italy. London 2019: 35-52. [Info] McNamara, Celeste. »Illicit Sex in Early Modern Venice.« Annual Meeting of the Society for Italian Historical Studies. New York 2020. [Info] Novarese, Daniela. »«La giustizia era altrettanto violenta degli stupratori»: Donne e violenza sessuale in Italia, un lungo, tormentato percorso normativo.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 283-311. [Info] Quaintance, Courtney. »Representing Rape in Sixteenth-Century Venice.« Sixteenth Century Studies Conference. Minneapolis 2007. [Info] Torremocha Hernández, Margarita. »Presentación.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 9- . [Site] Portuguese History
[Info] Braga, Isabel D. »Punir a Violação, perdoar os Violadores: Entre a justiça e a clemência no Portugal Moderno.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 165-187. [Info] Torremocha Hernández, Margarita. »Presentación.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 9- . [Site] Romanian History
[Site] Russian History
[Site] Scottish History [Info] Harris, Carissa. »800 years of rape culture.« Aeon (May 24, 2021). [Site] Spanish History
[Info] Blanco Carrasco, José P. »«¿Adónde irán los secretos?»: Reflexiones en torno al estupro y mercado matrimonial en la Edad Moderna.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 133-163. [Info] Burgess, Clare. »Reading Rape: Questions of Consent in Early Modern Lyon and Seville.« 'Do No Harm': Researching the Pasts, Present, and Futures of Sexual Violence. London 2023. [Info] Burgess, Clare. »“These Unfortunate Women”: Sex Workers’ Responses to Violence in Late Sixteenth-Century Seville.« Histories of Sex Work Around the World. Edited by Catherine Phipps. New York 2024: 10-29. [Info] Coolidge, Grace E. »Sex Work and the Noble Family: Illegitimacy in 15th- and 16th-Century Castile.« 66th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Philadelphia 2020. [Info] Corada Alonso, Alberto, et al. »El estupro en el Antiguo Régimen: Una visión cuantitativa desde el Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Valladolid.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 39-89. [Info] Goldberg, Meira. »Di Perra Mora, Di Matadora: Gendered Confusion and Amorous Contest in the Renaissance Morisca.« 66th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Philadelphia 2020. [Info] Jarque Martínez, Encarna. »«Y sobre todo pido justicia»: El delito de estupro en Aragón (siglos XVI y XVII).« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 189-212. [Info] Mantécon Movellán, Tomás A. »Estupro, sexualidad e identidad en sociedades católicas del Mediterráneo durante el Antiguo Régimen.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 253-281. [Info] Martínez Llorente, Felix. »Una notación histórica sobre el delito de estupro hasta la codificación penal.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 17-37. [Info] Rodríguez Blanco, Cynthia. »Ser Madre en solitario: Un retrato de las familias incompletas en la Castilla Moderna.« Studia Historica: Historia Moderna 46 (2024): 61-85. [Info] Torremocha Hernández, Margarita, et al., eds. El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Valladolid 2018. [Info] Torremocha Hernández, Margarita. »Presentación.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 9- . [Site] Swiss History